Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Beauty Among Us

Right now: February 23, 2010 at 10:45 pm, I am extremely bored.  I always say that boredom is a state of mind (and it is), but for some reason, I still get bored.  Granted, it is not as often as I used to, but it still happens sometimes.  I guess it's mostly because I'm done with all my homework and I'm not procrastinating anything right now (okay, nevermind, I retract that statement: I have a huge paper due on Friday that I haven't even begun to think about).  And also because I went to be at 3-ish last night...then slept most of the day away, therefore not only are my sleep patterns messed up, but I'm also not tired from the naps I took today.  

In light of my precarious situation, I'm going to do a "25 Things On My Mind" list.  

Here goes nothing:
1. I have had a headache all day long, and nothing will make it go away.
2. I caught myself being a moper today, then I said mentally, "Stop!  There's nothing to be upset about.  Your life is beautiful!"  And it is.  
3. I'm going to start saying "livin' the dream" or "lovin' life" when people ask me how I am...that's what my dad says :)
4. I wonder how many people actually read this blog.
5. My Facebook Fast is getting easier!
6. It makes me sick to think how hard it was in the first place; I guess I never realized just how addicted I was to social networking.
7. I re-read my "Life Goals" list and ended up making a lot of changes to it.  The reasons I made changes: because I've changed.  I no longer want to do a lot of the things I thought I wanted to do.  Then I began thinking about just ripping up the paper because those are plans that I want to do, not necessarily what I need to do according to God's plans.  Oh well..I still have it, just greatly revised.
8. I need a job!
9. I have a whole folder in my bookmarks dedicated to "Good Blogs!"
10. February is almost over.  I cannot believe it!
11. I have blue scissors...two pairs of blue scissors.  I just realized that.
12. I can't wait for November 11th, 2011 (11-11-11).  It will be the ultimate make a wish day!
13. Chapel is tomorrow.  I'm soooo excited.
14. There are now 15 goldfish living in our bathroom, thanks to Nikki, Becca, and Janelle (the homeless suitie).
15. I have a blessing jar with 18 blessings that I got on my 18th birthday: the one I just pulled out says, "Whenever the enemy tries to remind you of your past, remind him of his future."  Beauty.
16. I just want to show you this picture:
17. I don't really do my math homework, I just look in the back of the book and copy the answers.
18. INCREDIBLE!  This is a "pretty YouTube"--for reals!
19. I'm still bored.
20. Five more to go.
21. Four more.
22. I looooove sticky notes.
23. I also love chocolate.
24. Preferably Dove.
25. Every want to make me happy?  Leave me Dove milk chocolate with a little note on a PostIt.

Well...that's all for right now.

Life is so wonderful and beautiful and I can't even describe the peace within; the peace that is overwhelmingly, suffocatingly wonderful.

Dear God, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. IIIIIII read your blog. :) you crack me up. i love the picture.
    Livin' the dream. :)
