Monday, February 1, 2010

These Opinionations...

I've been thinking about my reasoning behind not supporting recycling, vegetarianism, "world peace," going green, habitat for humanity, animal rights, and feminism (wholly), and I came to the conclusion that it's all too commercialized. (Evolution and Global Warming are different, although I don't doubt God's power and ability to make these things happen. They're essentially non-essentials that make no difference to me.) They are all great concepts, but 1) most are not attainable, thus frivolous attempts to better the world that is already steeped in corruption, and 2) because so many people join the cause, it's a trend. If I join something, I want it to be due to my whole-hearted devotion to the cause and it's ideals. I don't want to be just another name on a list. I want to be my own person and have others follow MY example. I want to start my own cause. On the other hand, I want to support things like: recycling, human rights (which I do, but not commercially), social action committees that are well known, world peace unions, etc. Sometimes I wonder why I can' t just conform, then I remember it's because I want to be remembered! It was said about Jesus:

"The people chose Barabbas over Jesus because Barabbas was a rebel and Jesus was a revolutionary. People remember rebels for what they opposed; they remember revolutionaries for what they supported."

Many people would say that joining social action committees and being a part of world peace missions would make me a revolutionary, but quite honestly, I see it more as rebellion. It's such a trend at this point in time. People do it to be different, to go against social expectations. (Now, there are those people who do things because it actually means something to them.) Rebellion against parents and society, rather than really trying to change the world. I want to change the world, change lives! I want to be the revolutionary that people remember forever.

So here's the irony of my odd situation: I refuse to conform to the afore mentioned topics, but I wear "trendy" clothes, listen to "trendy" music, and refuse to be a part of any "revolutionary movement" (which are not truly revolutionary). There is something seriously wrong with that picture. Unfortunately it takes money to have a "uniquely-me" clothing style, which I would have to completely re-make. Music is easier, but "indie" music is becoming pop-culture, therefore it is no longer indie music. Is anyone else seeing this pattern?

I guess more than anything my personality and opinions are what make me "Carley." I like that. That's my uniqueness, my non-conformity. Then, to top it all off, my stubbornness and pride are keeping me from reversing my opinions on so many subjects. I am one of the most confusing people on earth...I even confuse myself.

I will say that I completely support buying locally, buying organically, and knowing what you're eating and the facts behind the producer. That's just being smart and aware. And surprisingly, I am absolutely 100% against littering in any form. In saying that, you would think I'd also be pro-recycling (again, I'm quite confusing), but littering is deliberately destroying the beauty of the Earth, whereas not recycling is choosing not to support environmental ideals that I think are frivolous and over-exaggerated.

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