Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm so amazed by GOD's infinite, undying love for me. Although this is a side note and somewhat distant from what I actually want to say, it needed saying.

Service has really been pressing on my heart lately. First with the nursing home, and now, after Rich Brown spoke for the last three days, I feel GOD pushing me. Like He's saying, "Do you get it? Do I need to scream louder?" I've always been slightly deaf when it comes to GOD's voice...perhaps unwilling is a better word. This whole week, the idea of service in the LORD's name and in the name of love has been drilling it's way through my mind. I can't stop thinking about it. I find it baffling that we as Christians are called to serve, rather than be served, but how many of us are only on the lookout for #1? Me included. What's sad, when I said #1, how many of you associated that with yourself? Shouldn't our #1 be GOD? I know I struggle with it, too. As humans, we are wired to be selfish. Our sin nature doesn't allow us to be natural servers. From the day we are born, we care only about what we get, what we eat, how long we sleep, etc. Isn't it about time that we step out of the mold and become more like Christ? I know that I don't want to be a cookie-cutter "Christian" (ALLITERATION!). I want to make a difference in this world. I want people to see me and say, "There's something different about her." Make them wonder, make them seek. Make them follow.

Again, I'm waiting for the right time to begin my "nursing home escapade" (I need some good name ideas, anyone?), but in the midst of that waiting, I can still serve. Serving doesn't have to be some large ordeal that takes hours and hours of planning. Simply holding the door open for someone or picking up trash off the ground can be considered an act of service. People will see that, and especially if they know you're a Christian, they will see a difference and begin wondering, even if it's at the back of their mind. That seed will have been planted. That one commercial keeps playing through my mind. The actually company/affiliation it was promoting, I can't remember. Basically, it starts with one person doing something nice for another person while an observer notices. Then that observer does something nice for another person (or the world, whichever) while someone else watches. And so on, and so on. Eventually it makes it's way around in a circle.

--Please hold while searching ensues--

I FOUND IT! Really makes you think, huh? Can you imagine what our world would be like, the difference we could make.

I guess essentially this blog is to call Christians (including myself) out of our comfort zones and serve in the name of the LORD and in the name of love. Like Rich quoted (reference would be greatly appreciated), "There's no way you can't love when you're serving." Or something to that get it.

I'm going to have to continue contemplating this and really striving to show my love through service. Otherwise, love is dead and nothing worth striving for.

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