Saturday, March 13, 2010

Theism: Anti and Pro

I think we as Christians have a calling to love everyone!  Yes, that includes those who oppose us.  This is anything we find "ungodly" or "unwholesome": Atheism, homosexuality, other religious group, etc.  Honestly, sometimes its hard to look past this fact and become people on agreeable terms, possibly friends.  So many Christians use fear to try "converting" the opposition: YOU'RE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DON'T CHANGE!  Or my favorite, the Bible says this and this.  Also, the most horrendous excuse, God won't love you unless you change.  (For my "opposing" friends: none of these are true...except for the first one, but that's beside the point--I don't want to scare you into my belief window.)

Here's the dealio: Jesus died for my sins, your sins, his sins, her sins.  He died, He was crucified, He was shamed to show God's love for each and every single person past, present, and future.  Oh, and the best part, the aspect that inspires hope in our hearts for a transformed life: the resurrection.  He rose from the dead 3 days later.  That's God's love because, now, we can overcome sin to be in the presence of God.  No matter who you are, God loves you.  He wants you.  He wants you to love Him.  Despite our differences in opinion, I still love you.  I will love you forever because when Christ died and I accepted His death as a gift of salvation, He gave me the ability to love as He does.  Maybe it's how I was brought up, maybe it's where I went to high school...all I know is the fact that I have learned how to separate the sin from the sinner--in every case (christian, non-christian)

Now you may ask what sparked this blog?  There's a new group on Facebook called Hey Facebook!... Atheist Groups are NOT Hate Groups! Stop Banning Them!  Here's the thing: if we as Christians think that Atheist Groups are hate groups, then aren't we the same?  I mean, yeah, they dis our beliefs, organized religion, the idea of intelligent design and God Himself.  But don't we dis the belief of NO God, NO intelligent design, evolution, and science?

Yes, I do have my days when I wonder why people choose to be Atheist.  I personally don't believe in organized religion; I believe in a relationship with my LORD and Savior and the never ending hope there is in the Cross, not rules and regulations.  There are days that I wonder why people deny the possibility of God.  What do you have to lose?  If you're Atheist, there's no afterlife.  If you're secure in the knowledge of Christ crucified, there's Heaven.  Then I have to remember that despite our differences, God loves us nonetheless.  

I may not be able to change your mind by scaring you with the prospects of hell, or with the Bible (even though I believe it is the inspired word of God...that doesn't apply to someone who doesn't believe), or with no love.  The only thing that I can hope and pray for is that you notice a difference in me (and other Christians...c'mon) and recognize the love as not coming from me, but from something greater, something better, someone MIGHTIER!  My God, my love, my LORD!

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