Friday, August 20, 2010

A Success Story

Thank you to all who helped, contributed, or came to the Benefit Concert.  God definitely provided and because of your support, we sent $387 to Blood:Water Mission!

If you're interested in getting involved yourself, go ahead and visit: There are a lot of great resources and information available on that site.

Continue to keep the people of Africa in your minds, hearts, and prayers. They are our neighbors; they are our friends.

You've now become a part of something bigger than yourself. As humans, we have a calling to go beyond this mediocre life of self-indulgence; we must go forth and show love, be examples, and give ourselves (and our resources) to a greater purpose. Although we may never meet these people, they WILL know that: We, the people of St. George, Utah, love and cherish the lives of our brothers and sisters.


Sunday, August 8, 2010


"It's probably best we don't know a lot about the future, because if we did, we'd be too consumed on getting there and making the right choices."

This is how I see it, if we could see into the future, we would be so focused on what is going to happen rather than living life one day at a time, making mistakes, and growing.  In "Troy," Achilles says to Perseus, "The gods envy us because we are mortal.  Because every day could be our last, it makes it all the more beautiful."

Basically, everything happens for a reason. We make a choice that takes us one step closer to what is going to happen in the future.  If we knew what was to come, we would take different steps, avoid certain mistakes in order to get to the desired point.  Problem is, the things we do lead to other events, therefore if we knew what was going to happen, we would choose differently, and ultimately risk getting to the exact point we were aiming for.  Thus, knowing the future would be futile because it would change with each "wrong" choice we make.  Our lives are paths laid out with different checkpoints.  If we fail to meet those checkpoints, we fail to learn, grow, and make it to our desired future (of course, we'd have another outcome, but not the one we knew).  Pretty much, it's a big, messy web that's too complicated to even comprehend. 

(This next part is pertaining to reality: not being able to see into the future)  The image that comes to mind when I think about our choices and how they affect our future is a spider's web.  The center is the desired ending point.  With each event, there are multiple choices and options.  No matter what choice you make, it ultimately leads to the center.  Each choice affects the next choice we are presented.  For example, we have to choose what college we want to go to.  There are thousands of different options.  If we choose the state university, we would be presented with different opportunities (such as friends, groups, classes) than we would if we chose Harvard or Yale.  

I love to think about the possibilities in my life; the different opportunities I may be presented with in the long run.  I like to know that no matter what choice I make, it will ultimately lead me to the same place.  Some choices may be harder than others, and some may take you a few steps back, but that's the beauty of being a human.  We have the chance to live and learn!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I am having a strange urge to write.  Well, I suppose it's not really strange, just an urge.

I've always had a longing in my heart to be a traveler.  I want to discover the unknown, reopen the past, and know the secrets of the world.  My thirst for knowledge is sometimes insatiable.  All I want is the ability to understand and comprehend the things of history. 

Basically, if I was to travel the world, I would discover new ways of life, thinking, and doing.  It's baffling when you think of the American Mentality: we have it right, our way is right.  Who says we're right (other than us, of course)?  There are ways of life out there completely contrary to what we believe and what we do.  I want to completely reconstruct my view of life and way of thinking.  In traveling, I would do just that.  To be immersed in another culture would give me perspective on why people do what they do.

Also, if I travel, the opportunities of research would automatically increase.  The libraries!  The museums!  The collections!  There are so many, it blows my mind to even imagine the beauty of it all.

Knowing, learning, and understanding is a dream I've had for a long time.  Sometimes, I almost want to drop out of school so I can travel.  I just want to experience life.  Knowledge and learning go hand-in-hand with life lessons.  How can we learn if we don't experience?