Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Campaign for Clean Water for Africa

The History of Blood:Water Mission
IT'S A BEAUTIFUL STORY. We're a group of passionate people who have been inspired by our friends in Africa, friends who face unbearable challenges from the HIV/AIDS and water crises. We creatively and thoughtfully raise awareness and the necessary funds for the provision of clean blood and clean water in sub-Saharan Africa.

Hear ye, hear ye! I have wanted to do something like this for a while, but haven't gotten around to it. But as the saying goes, "there is no time like the present." I want to not only raise awareness, but also money for B:WM and the people of Africa through a benefit concert showcasing a few local bands (if you are interested, please message me unless I haven't already messaged you.) I don't know when it would be, I just decided I have to do this 5 minutes ago. I'm going to need people to help with all kinds of stuff and if no one volunteers, then I will seek you out and force you to help...well, not really, but kind of. This is an incredible opportunity to help people across the world, people that are suffering, people who you may never meet, people who need to be shown love and compassion, people who are so full of joy despite their less-than-joyful circumstances, people we can learn from!

Basically, it will be a benefit concert (as I already stated) featuring local bands/artists (you don't have to be a band, you could just be an awesome soloist). I won't charge admission (sooo, if you have a problem with that, we don't really need you), but will ask for donations while raising awareness of the conditions people are actually living in. I'm going to need creative people, tech-savvy people, talented people, organized people, or just...people. I would love if you helped me out. This is still in the planning process, so no absolutes yet, but I promise, THIS WILL HAPPEN!!!! Even if one person shows up and donates $1, they will be helping provide water for 1 African for 1 year (incredible, i know!).

If you want more info on B:WM, you can visit their site or if you feel compelled to campaign yourself, here is the page for ideas .

I really, really, really hope you want to help me out. I'll buy you ice cream or something. I'll also be contacting some people personally via phone/email/fb/any other form of technology.

(P.S. this is generally regarding the people of St. George, but hey if you're not a Georgian and you want to help out, feel free to jump on a plane and fly down to the hottest place you'll ever visit!)

Just take a look at these beautiful photos! If that doesn't pull at your heart strings, I don't know what will.

For updates on this whole process, please visit:
Thanks all!!
Oh, and donations are gladly accepted :)

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