Sunday, January 31, 2010

January: Patience and Kindness

January: Patience and Kindness

The moments I found it hardest to be patient with and kind to people was when I was at home. How sad is it that around my family, I am the most irritable? I love them dearly, each and every one of them, but I think it has to do with the fact that they're family and I've lived with them my entire life. (Yes, I know that is an awful excuse!)

There were times in classes when someone would be chomping too loud, talking too much, typing too much, laughing obnoxiously, or being disrespectful when I had a mind to turn and glare, but thankfully, I just sent up a little prayer: "God, patience! Please." Amazingly, it worked, each and every time. I just forgot about it. Instead of focusing on the negative, it became background noise and somehow helped me to focus even more on what the professor had to say.

Unfortunately, I slightly lagged in the kindness area. That is the one thing I am going to have to work on extra hard throughout the remainder of the year. I try to make an effort to smile at everyone I pass on my way to and from classes, but sometimes my mind is so extremely occupied with other things, I forget. It's not the ultimate kindness, but I'm getting there.

My constant prayer is that God gives me the strength and determination to get me through these 12 Months of Love, with no failing. I want to be a direct representation of Christ's love for His bride. Isn't that picture so phenomenal? And I say "phenomenal" because it means: an aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition; extraordinary. Extraordinary meaning beyond the ordinary, measurable, or customary. Just ponder that for a second...

Friday, January 1, 2010

12 Months of Love

In lieu of my decision to leave the past behind, I am going "to live out 1 Corinthians 13:4-7" one month at a time.

January: Have patience and be kind
February: Dispel envious thoughts
March: Do not boast and get rid of pride
April: Do not be rude (goes along with kindness, but different)
May: Think of others before myself
June: Control my temper
July: Forgive and forget
August: Seek truth and ignore rude, mean, or awful thoughts toward others
September: Protect the reputation of others (do no spread or tolerate any form of gossip)
October: Trust the word of those you love and have discernment with others
November: Hope for the best for others (including my enemies) and pray for them [all] daily
December: Continue loving patterns

My hope in this "new year's resolution" is that each month will build on the previous month's goal, resulting in all attributes of love by December. :)

Now mind you, I am not perfect, so I will probably mess up a few times, but taking one step at a time gets you to the top of the mountain.