Saturday, May 8, 2010

May, May, May, May I Please?

May's challenge: put others before me.  Thus far, I've done fairly well.  Off and on.  I'm a selfish person, I know that, so I knew this month would be slightly difficult.  And opportunities always present themselves, but even though I recognize them doesn't mean I'll actually take that opportunity and run with it.  I'm trying, I really am, but it's hard and sometimes I just want to think about me.
April was "don't be rude."  That did not work out so well.  I failed in the nice department.  I got very irritable (which also means I failed in the patience department, as well) and would let my sarcasm get out of hand, to the point where it wasn't really sarcasm, I only passed it off as that so I wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.  I feel bad.  So really, May is all about being nice and putting others before me. 

Even though it really doesn't have anything to do with...anything, I'm learning how to apologize.  Ever since I was little, I hated apologizing.  My pride has always been a problem in that area.  SO I guess what I'm saying is that month of no pride really worked out for me...even if it IS a few months late.

I'm home.  It is fabulous and I have so many jobs lined up.  God definitely provides.  Unfortunately, I was unable to donate at BioLife because of low iron, but hopefully I get that up before the end of summer so I can donate my plasma at least a few times.

This summer is going to be a summer of overcoming fear and becoming more independent.  How I'm going to do that, you ask?  Well, first of all, I got a job at a call center.  If you know me even slightly well, you know I HATE to call people.  I hate calling anyone, even my family sometimes.  It terrifies me.  It is an irrational fear that I am so excited to get over.  Not only will it help me this summer, but it is also going to give me the experience I need to become an admissions counselor so I can take after Tessa. :)

Needles are another fear I have.  Donating plasma requires being stuck...many, many times.  Like I said, hopefully I'll have the opportunity to overcome that fear.

And finally, I'm terrified of heights, immobilized even.  I am not positive on how I am going to rid myself of this disease (yes, I consider it my disease), but I will.  Hiking, jumping, standing, anything to get rid of it.  Next year at school I am DETERMINED to climb that wall.  I will!  I will!  I will!!!

p.s. God is totally watching out for me.  I only got a B- in Intro to Psych.  I expected at the most a C-.  A B- isn't fabulous, but it's college, my grades aren't as important and God has control (something I've had to learn quite often this past year).